Whole-person Development

With the effort of our professional team comprising teachers, social workers, educational psychologist and clinical psychologist, we are committed to preparing Ying Wa boys to become independent, capable young gentlemen with a positive mind and a thankful heart. There are five pillars in our all-encompassing student support programme including self-discipline, positive thinking and appreciation, brotherhood and peer Support, development of a healthy self-image as well as the moulding of a goal-driven life.

The school provides a wide range of school-based programmes to cater for students’ needs at different stages. “Brotherhood Scheme”, “Flourishing Teens” are launched for junior forms to ensure a smooth transition from primary to secondary education with positive attitudes and behaviours. To fully unleash talents and potential, all S.1 students are required to receive training in either a musical instrument and or a sport activity, encouraging self-exploration and learning ownership. 

For Senior forms, a series of programmes such as “Career Mapping” and “Service Outreach Programmes” are implemented to strengthen leadership and communication skills. The school also works in partnership with different organsations and institutions to provide students with a wider spectrum of experiential experiences ranging from life planning and career development to emotional health and stress, enhancing self-confidence and giving valuable insights to personal development as well as future pathway planning.